
Every day, federal agencies announce contract and competitive bidding opportunities for a broad range of health care goods and services. Many of these present attractive opportunities in all areas of the health care industry. Collectively, they represent billions of dollars annually, yet the vast majority of them will go unnoticed by the private sector.

Public agencies don’t do a good job marketing most of their business opportunities. Buying practices favor experienced government contractors–those who already have contacts and contracts, those who know where to look, and those who understand the procurement process. Information about government contracts tends to be found in sources that simply don’t hit the radar screen of most health care providers in the private sector. Except for major, multi-billion dollar initiatives, most federal health care contract opportunities will go unnoticed by the majority of providers who are best qualified to bid on them–until it’s too late.

Contracting with the federal government is a highly specialized activity, with competitive bidding practices dictated by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in general, as well as agency-specific regulations. Potomac Health Associates, Inc. (PHA) was founded to help health care organizations negotiate the confusing maze of federal contracting to become a successful federal contractor. Principals of the company have been involved in all aspects of federal health care contracting for several decades. Since the firm’s inception, we have helped our clients win more than $4.0 billion in health care and insurance contracts with multiple federal agencies.

Headquartered less than 30 minutes from Capitol Hill in northern Virginia, PHA is a small business that combines the knowledge and experience of its staff in health care, legislative/policy development and contracting to help its clients identify, capture and successfully manage a broad range of business development opportunities and awards in the health industry. Whether new to federal contracting or an experienced federal contractor, PHA offers valuable insight to help an organization maximize its opportunities.

Steeped in the details of federal contracting laws and regulations, PHA recognizes that successful federal contracting also requires an understanding of informal practices that come into play. PHA provides valuable guidance based on its knowledge of how the process should work, as well as how it actually works in practice. Contact us at, or call us at 703.214.9282.


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